Do you want to write for our blog?
Hola queridos!
It’s time for us to launch our blog and we would like you, our community, to join us in writing articles! We are offering opportunities for you to write guest posts for us.
If you have something to say and you would like to write an article for our blog then here are the guidelines to follow:
Minimum 500 words long, but it can be as long as you like, there is no maximum word count.
You can write about anything!
* It can be about a specific part of Spanish grammar.
* You can write about your experience of living or visiting in Spain.
* If you are a business owner then you can write about your business and about your experience of having a business in Spain. This is a great way to promote yourself and your business, but please don’t write your article to read as an advertisement but rather as an interesting story. You are welcome to include your contact details and links to your website, Facebook page, blog etc.
* You can give advice to other people from your country regarding practical aspects of living in Spain like how to register for health care or where to find social clubs.
* You can write about yourself and about your experience of living in Spain or learning Spanish.
You are welcome to include photos. Please send us the best possible quality and resolution. If you include photos you found on the internet then please be sure that they are free of any copyright. You can find amazing free photos on Stocksnap, Picjumbo and Pixabay
You can write in Spanish, English or your native language. If you don’t write in Spanish or English then please tell us which language you’re using and give a short summary of the topic you’re writing about so that we can tag it correctly. Please make sure your spelling and grammar are correct as we won’t be able to proofread it before publication.
You can send us as many articles as you like.
It goes without saying that you won’t write anything offensive or use swear words J
You can e-mail your submissions to:
So there you have it folks! Start typing, we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Un beso,